It gets even more bizarre. The owner of the dealership is a jw who divorced his first wife and neither spouse got df'd and he married his second wife which was in a kingdom hall. The brother who is the manager had a sign business before he became manager at this dealership. Someone owed him money at another dealership place that he cleaned so one night he went in to clean and took one of the keys to one of the cars and had it duplicated. Then one night he stole the car. There were lawyers involved and the dealership was going to press charges but dropped all the charges in the end.
Unfortunately, there was a chinese sister who was working there at the front desk at the time and witnessed everything. This guy was an elder and made it really hard on this poor sister until she had to move away and find work else where in Toronto. This guy got off and was able to remain and elder but the other elder that wanted him to fess up got removed. You really should live at this neck of the woods. You can't make this shit up.
There were pictures taken of a co and his wife. Can't remember if it was an anniversary but in the picture we see some of the bethelites and other co's there along with this idiot elder thief. And who did they use alot in assembly parts was this goon. We saw shit like this go on constantly and kept quiet. All we wanted to do was leave quietly yet we got the most severe lashing. Never again!